Rick Urban & Christine Eglinski
It was the first day of the new quarter in 1986 and Rick had arrived early, so he decided to wait in his car until it was time for class. He watched as the garage started to fill up when all of a sudden a car backed into the spot next to him. The driver parked very close to him.
“Four inches from my driver’s door to be exact,” Rick said.
The girl got out, walked to the front of her car, looked at Rick and how close she was to his own car, and simply shrugged and walked away. He had to crawl out through his passenger door to get out.
“I went to my first class and sat down. Next thing I know, the same girl from the garage sat next to me,” he said.
Christine asked if he had gotten out of his car okay, to which he replied, “No.”
They talked every day after that.
Eventually Rick asked if he could carry Christine’s books for her.
“No,” she replied.
However, Rick’s persistence won her over and the two went out on a date. After dating for several more years, they got married in 1991 and are still happily married with two children, one of whom attends CSU today.
Alice & Dezso
Alice would hide at the bottom of the Fenn Tower staircase, hoping to bump into him.
Edward & Linda
Ed and Linda hung out in Stilwell Hall cafeteria, sharing PB & J sandwiches.
Randy & Mary Lou
Their romance began when Mary Lou joined Randy’s intramural volleyball team.