Mary & George
It was the birthday of one of my best friends and we were celebrating at the Shire (that’s how old we are). She brought along a few classmates from her interpersonal communications class, introducing them all, including George, a biology major. I didn’t pay much attention to any of them, but George began to hang around our group of friends and we got to know each other.
Several months later, we started dating. After I completed grad school, and he finished dental school, we finally married. It was only 11 years later! On our 10th wedding anniversary, George sent our friend roses for introducing us! We are all still close friends and get together monthly for dinner out, with our second family, “the gang!”
– Mary
Janet & Jayson
Janet and Jayson initially didn’t want to be anything more than friends.
Leanne & Daniel
The couple met in Fenn Tower on Leanne’s 20th birthday.
Cindy & Craig
Returning from an unfulfilling year at Ohio University, Cindy enrolled at CSU.